Give your field the tools they will actually use

Your salesforce is running their business on Facetime, Facebook, and FaceZoom (Okay, it's just Zoom, but FaceZoom seemed appropriate here).

With Bloo Kanoo, you can give them all of these tools wrapped into one, with SELLING built in, directly on their distributor sites! We thought about calling it FaceMash, but that didn't test well.


The Bloo Kanoo Suite


Connection is central to they way your field builds their business. With Bloo Kanoo's one-to-one communication tool, your sellers can connect directly with their customers on video calls to answer questions, fortify relationships, AND sell product right on the call.

Direct Selling is built on relationships. Stop letting technology get in the way of that.


Zoom has become ubiquitous for online parties and virtual get togethers, but it misses the most important aspect for business builders -- the sale.

We thought this needed improvement, so we built a platform where your field can run video conferences directly on their replicated sites, with selling built in.

Why even have a cake if you can't eat it too?


Livestreams on Facebook and Instagram are every day occurrences for your sellers, but it's a lot of work to monitor comments, create and send invoices, and follow up for the sale.

There is a better way with Bloo Kanoo. Your field can go live and stream directly to their replicated sites. No comment monitoring, no invoicing, just streaming and selling.

Shoppable Recordings

Your salesforce is great at getting the sale, but they aren't online 24/7. With shoppable recordings, you can turn any YouTube or Vimeo video into an interactive shopping experience.

Increase average order values and close more business with shoppable videos that run directly on your field's replicated web sites.

Let's Talk

Give us 15 minutes for a demo. it's that easy to use. If you've got questions, we can stretch to 30. We'll even throw in some mockups if you want to see how it would look on your replicated sites.
